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發表者: glenn  發表日期: 2021年02月23日 22:26:18

Tui Na Chinese Herbal Remedy In Chinese, Tui Na is popularly Called the"Master of Heaven's paintings". Tui Na literally means "heavenly cloud". The character,"Na" stands for"water", therefore when translated it means"heavenly water". Additionally, this is where the concept of the"Shiva Cloud" comes from. Tui Na is a branch of Chinese Esoteric Medical theory and as such is often applied in conjunction with acupuncture, acupuncture, fire, tai chi, and other eastern forms of internal medicine, and wu-si, or Oriental bodywork. Since Tui Na is a vital part of the course of Shiatsu, or the Western art of healing hands, it's been used to promote healing within the martial arts. In the Chinese tradition, Tui Na is thought to facilitate the proper flow of Chi or the"energy" in and around the body. Tui Na is thought to increase circulation, stimulate the circulatory system, balance Qi, and protect against stress and injury. Practitioners think that appropriate Chi flow across the body is able to help with the healing of different ailments, such as allergies, asthma, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, fever, pain, PMS, palpitations, sleep disorders, and some kinds of cancer. Since Tui Na is considered to aid the body's natural recovery process, many practitioners feel that its use promotes self-healing. When Tui Na is used together with acupuncture along with other traditional Chinese medicines, it is thought to provide additional benefit. By way of example, Tui Na is recommending to treat asthma, as well as headaches, PMS, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chamomile, nervousness, insomnia, and even some types of cancer. Many Tui Na specialists recommend the combination of Acupuncture and Tui Na therapies for people who suffer with chronic musculoskeletal problems. In reality, many Acupuncture/Tui Na experts recommend that their patients use Tui Na, combined with Acupressure, for the best possible outcome. One reason that Tui Na is so helpful in the treatment of a huge array of illnesses has to to do with all the positive comments that traditional Chinese medication gives them. For instance, Acupuncture and Tui Na is very complimentary to each other because both Chinese medicines and Tui Na help stimulate the flow of Chi throughout the body. Since both Acupuncture and Tui Na are rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, there are numerous beliefs and theories that practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine can learn from one another. This is particularly true since many of the health conditions we call ailments in the West today have their roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. By way of example, there are certain points on the body that are associated with the different bodies that people have inside of them. If these factors are upset or affected by some outside stimulus, illness can result. Acupuncture and Tui Na stimulate the flow of Chi and also permit the flow of vital energy to properly flow throughout the body. Tui Na practitioners use different methods and techniques such as gentle pushing, holding, and tapping on certain pressure points on the human body. This allows them to excite the circulation of blood and nutrients throughout the body. When this occurs, the disease is prevented. Aside from the various illnesses that may be treated, Tui Na also has other positive effects on the patient. Some of the disorders that Chinese medicine practitioners utilize Tui Na to deal with include headache, muscle pain, arthritis, higher blood pressure, colds, influenza, sinusitis, respiratory distress, PMS, skin disorders, varicose veins, joint and shoulder pain, emotional disorders, insomnia, and much more. In fact, Tui Na is usually utilized to treat a number of conditions, and that's the reason why it is a very common form of Chinese medicine. To be able to get benefit from Tui Na, an individual has to begin by obtaining a precise identification. After a diagnosis is provided, a suitable treatment can be prescribed to the person.



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